
標題: Snow Patrol【A Hundred Million Suns】 [打印本頁]

作者: wei02242001    時間: 2009-12-27 05:47 PM     標題: Snow Patrol【A Hundred Million Suns】

本帖最後由 wei02242001 於 2009-12-27 05:54 PM 編輯


【專輯名稱】A Hundred Million Suns (億萬個永恆)
【歌手名稱】Snow Patrol (雪警合唱團)

.繼『臨界點』、『大開眼界』專輯,製作人Garrett 'Jacknife' Lee[*U2、Weezer]引領樂團穿越奇幻風景的驚豔力作
.首支單曲"Take Back The City"搶進英國金榜第15名;情緒更勝"Chasing Cars"的抒情搖滾優選"Crack The Shutters"

儘管擁有700萬張的專輯銷售,創作了21世紀最具情緒感染力的抒情搖滾大作"Chasing Cars",Snow Patrol/雪警樂團完全沒有商業搖滾大團的傲氣,他們依然像是1994年那支在丹地(Dundee)大學所組成的學生樂團一樣,盡情的奔馳在搖滾大道上,隨時準備引爆出人意表的搖滾能量。樂團團長兼創作核心Gary Lightbody談道:「我們這支樂團最棒且最驚人的地方,就是一路以來,期待的夢想都能一一實現,我們沒有太多偉大的計劃,就讓事情在意外以及蓄意的情況下發生。」2008年最新大碟【A Hundred Million Suns】,雪警樂團將組團之初的尖銳觀點、獨立精神與晉升主流市場後的流行搖滾作風相互融合,堪稱是創團以來風格最完整的一張專輯。

在製作人Garrett 'Jacknife' Lee[*U2、R.E.M.、Weezer]的帶領下,雪警在獨立搖滾的創作風格中放進更多屬於流行搖滾的神采,主唱的情緒唱腔變得更具親和力,以專輯『Final Straw/臨界點』嶄露頭角,衝上英國金榜季軍,首支單曲"Run"也挺進英國金榜Top5,並贏得2004年英國音樂創作大獎Ivor Novello的「最佳專輯」大獎。

2005年他們將錄音基地從蘇格蘭遷往愛爾蘭,在這兒完成了更上層樓的英國金榜冠軍大碟『Eyes Open/大開眼界』,此輯誕生了一首赫赫有名的搖滾大作"Chasing Cars",被熱門影集「實習醫生」選用為片尾主題曲並蟬連全美抒情榜冠軍,晉升全美熱門單曲榜Top5與英國金榜Top6,創下全美200萬下載人次,英國Virgin Radio電台聽眾選為史上最佳歌曲第一名,同時獲得葛萊美獎最佳搖滾歌曲與全英音樂獎最佳單曲的提名肯定,『大開眼界』成為2006年英國年度最暢銷的專輯,全球累積銷量達到470萬張。

在以專輯『大開眼界』攀登巔峰之後,雪警要求製作人Garrett 'Jacknife' Lee引導他們踏上另一趟出乎意料的創作探索之旅,遠赴愛爾蘭東部Meath郡鄉間的Grouse Lodge錄音室,以及座落於柏林、搖滾變色龍David Bowie錄製1970年代經典專輯的Hansa錄音室,展開最新大碟【A Hundred Million Suns】的錄製工作,雪警進而交出了組團以來最具野心,同時也是最振奮人心的作品。首支抒發成長環境所帶來的困惑的單曲"Take Back The City"搶進英國金榜Top15;純然無雜質的動人情緒更勝"Chasing Cars"的"Crack The Shutters",在繁複多樣的美麗旋律幻境中吐露愛一個人的真情;專輯中最創新的作品莫過於長達16分鐘,分別由寧靜風暴之感的"What If This Storm Ends?"、描繪愛爾蘭西岸景緻的"The Sunlight Through The Flags"、令人心蕩神馳的"Daybreak"等3首歌曲所組成的搖滾史詩"The Lightning Strike",其凝聚而成的禪意無疑是登峰造極之作,為雪警的搖滾風景更透出一層美麗幻境。

1. If There's A Rocket Tie Me To It
2. Crack The Shutters
3. Take Back The City
4. Lifeboats
5. The Golden Floor
6. Please Just Take These Photos From My Hands
7. Set Down Your Glass
8. The Planets Bend Between Us
9. Engines
10. Disaster Button
11. The Lightning Strike
作者: wei02242001    時間: 2009-12-27 05:48 PM

1. If There's A Rocket Tie Me To It

Two weeks late like a surplus reprieve
I found a hair the length of yours on my sleeve
I wound it round and round my finger so tight
It turned to purple and a pulse formed inside

And I knew the beat since it matched your own beat
I still remember it from our chest to chest and feet to feet
The easy silence then was a sweet relief to this hush
Of ovens, aeroplanes and distant car horns

A fire a fire, you can only take what you can carry
A pulse your pulse, it's the only thing I can remember
I break you don't, I was always set to self destruct though
The fire the fire, it cracks and barks like primal music

I said I knew the beat 'cause it matched your own beat
It's become my engine my own source of heat
The sea between us only amplifies the sound waves
Every hum and echo and crash paints my cave
作者: wei02242001    時間: 2009-12-27 05:49 PM

2. Crack The Shutters

You cool your bedwarm hands down
On the broken radiator

When you lay them freezing on me
I mumble can you wake me later

But I don't really want you to stop
And you know it so it doesn't stop you

You run your hands from my neck
To my chest

Crack the shutters open wide
I want to bathe you in the light of day

And just watch you as the rays
Tangle around your face and body

I could sit here for hours
Finding new ways to be awed each minute

'Cause the daylight seems to want you
Just as much as I want you

Its been minutes Its been days,
I remember all I will remember

Happy lost in your hair
And the cold side of the pillow

Your hills and valleys
Are mapped by my intrepid fingers

And in a naked slumber
I dream all this again
作者: wei02242001    時間: 2009-12-27 05:49 PM

3. Take Back The City

Take back the city for yourself tonight
Or I'll take back the city for me
Take back the city for yourself tonight

God knows you put your life in two a times
And it's both cradled you and crushed
But now it's time to make your own demands

All these years later and it's killing me
Your broken records and words
Ten thousand craters where it all should be

No need to put your words into my mouth
Don't need convincing at all
I love this place enough to have no doubt

It's a mess
It's a start
It's a flawed work of art
Your city, your call
Every crack, every wall
Pick a side, pick a fight
Get your epitaph right
You can sing ‘til you drop
Cause the fun just never stops

I love this city tonight
I love this city always
It bears it's teeth like a light
And spits me out after days
But we're all gluttons for it
We know what's wrong and it's right
For every time it's been hit
Take back the city tonight

Tell me you never wanted more from this
And I will stop talking now
One perfect partner, one eternal kiss

Take back the city for yourself tonight
Or I'll take back the city for me
Take back the city for yourself tonight

It's a mess
It's a start
It's a flawed work of art
Your city, your call
Every crack, every wall
Pick a side, pick a fight
Get your epitaph right
You can sing ‘til you drop
Cause the fun just never stops

I love this city tonight
I love this city always
It bears it's teeth like a light
And spits me out after days
But we're all gluttons for it
We know what's wrong and it's right
For every time it's been hit
Take back the city tonight

I love this city tonight
I love this city always
It bears it's teeth like a light
And spits me out after days
But we're all gluttons for it
We know what's wrong and it's right
For every time it's been hit
Take back the city tonight

I love this city tonight
I love this city always
I love this city tonight
I love this city always
作者: wei02242001    時間: 2009-12-27 05:50 PM

4. Lifeboats

Hold on, hold on, let me get the words out before I burst
There's no truth at all, poking at the giant eyes of ancient gods
Cool hats have failed, now it's time for me to have my turn
Kiss me, kiss me, life is far too short to scream and shout

Flashed up in my wildest dreams, like red blood streams, stretch up like vast skies
The veins of you, the veins of me, like gold forest trees
Pushing through and on and in
Gliding like a satellite in the broken night
And when I wake you're there I'm saved
Your love is life piled tight and high set against the sky
That seems to balance on its own

Sing out sing out the silence only eats us from the inside up
I meant no harm but I only get to say these words too late
Wake up wake up dreaming only leads to more and more nightmares
Snap out of it you said it in a wy that showed you really cared
作者: wei02242001    時間: 2009-12-27 05:50 PM

5. The Golden Floor

Tell me that you want to dance
I want to feel your pulse on mine
Just treat me like a stolen glance
To yourself

A dark shape on a golden floor
A sleeping planet with a molten core
From above we'd cut a slow eight shape
And much more

I'm a peasant in your princess arms
Penniless with only charm
As we're leveled by the low, hot lights
And disarmed

I'm not afraid of anything even time
It'll eke away at everything but we'll be fine

I'm folded in the bread you made
You're cold until my body bathes
You in the heat I kept aside
All these days

I'm not afraid of anything even time
It'll eke away at everything but we'll be fine
作者: wei02242001    時間: 2009-12-27 05:51 PM

6. Please Just Take These Photos From My Hands

The yellowed page of the books and books I'd forgotten that I had
These paperbacks they know their age they smell of weight and time that's resting warm
The opened box beside the endless box parade that haunts my house
Is fit to split with photographs that tell the wanderlust of years smashed on to years

When all this actual life played out
Where the hell on Earth was I?
I rack my brains but it won't come

Through water damaged bloodshot eyes
The fleeting triumphs, brazen lies
All seem to mingle into one

I read your name under words in your elegant hand you probably don't mean now
I fold the letter and think of a million and one things that I could have done different

When all this actual life played out
Where the hell on Earth was I?
I rack my brains but it won't come

Through water damaged bloodshot eyes
The fleeting triumphs, brazen lies
All seem to mingle into one

One gigantic fairy tale
Of friends I haven't seen in years
Drinking 'til the daylight hurts

You seem friendly who are you?
That's a lot of wine that we got through
We've made playtime look like work

Please just take these photos from my hands
作者: wei02242001    時間: 2009-12-27 05:51 PM

7. Set Down Your Glass

Just close your eyes
And count to five

Let's craft the only thing we know into surprise

Set down your glass
I painted this

To look like you and me forever as we're now

And I'm shaking then I'm still
When you're eyes meet mine I lose simple skills
Like to tell you all I want is now

You sing and I'm killed
I'm just not the same

As I was a year ago and each minute since then

My jumper tears
As we take it off

And you say you'll sew me good as new and I know you will

And I'm shaken then I'm still
When your eyes meet mine I lose simple skills
Like to tell you all I want is now

And I'm shaken then I'm still
When your eyes meet mine I lose simple skills
Like to tell you all I want is now
作者: wei02242001    時間: 2009-12-27 05:52 PM

8. The Planets Bend Between Us

The winters mar the Earth
It's floor was frozen glass
You slip into my arms
And you quickly correct yourself
Your freezing speech bubbles
Seem to hold your words aloft
I want the smoky clouds of laughter
To swim about me forever more

I will race you to the waterside
And from the edge of Ireland shout out loud
So they could hear it in America
It's all for you

The shells crack under our shoes
Like punctuation points
The planets bend between us
A hundred million suns and stars
The sea filled in this silence
Before you sank those words
And now even in the darkness
I can see how happy you are

I will race you to the waterside
And from the edge of Ireland shout out loud
So they could hear it in a America
It's all for you

It's all for you
It's all for you
It's all for you
It's all for you
It's all for you
作者: wei02242001    時間: 2009-12-27 05:53 PM

9. Engines

Only the faintest only the faintest glance buries you buries me
So fire your engine see if I give a damn we'll be dust instantly
Caught in a jet stream caught in a gorgeous howl all the world lost in noise
Use me forever use as rocket fuel I'll be air I'll be fire

You say you love me like the silence of the turning earth
You say you love me like the endless roar of modern of life
You say you love me like the laughter and the kissed back tears
You say you love me like the past the now the coming years

What will you remember what will you think of me after I say goodbye
Returning in bodies, plants and the sand you'll squeeze between shoeless feet

I know I love you like the silvered gold of dying days
I know I love you like an ancient history brought to life
I know I love you like the sunlit water on your skin
I know I love you like the million times I never said

I know you love me like the silence of the turning earth
I know you love me like the endless roar of modern of life
I know you love me like the laughter and the kissed back tears
I know you love me like the past the now the coming years
作者: wei02242001    時間: 2009-12-27 05:53 PM

10. Disaster Button

A little after twelve
The function suite was full
Of people I had never seen before

Ripped up ticket stubs
Confettied on the floor
It dawned on me I'd seen it all before

Cool your beans my son
You look a fucking mess
No ones getting out of here tonight

Hit that button there
The one that just says wrong
We'll lose our minds to all our favourite songs

Throw forward to later
you look light on your feet
When you whirled in the room
I was nailed to my seat

I'm like a prisoner
getting ready to talk
I feel the blood in my hands
and the threat in your walk

And suddenly
it lifts the roof off the place
It puts a vault in my step
And a grin on my face

It can't contain me
but you'll need an army
To get me back in my box
Or snap the branches off me

A little after four
The function suite is dead
And I am just a ripped up ticket stub

But heres a helping hand
A voice that's far to close
And I am up and on my broken limbs

Throw forward to later
you look light on your feet
When you whirled in the room
I was nailed to my seat

I'm like a prisoner
getting ready to talk
I feel the blood in my hands
and the threat in your walk

And suddenly
it lifts the roof off the place
It puts a vault in my step
And a grin on my face

It can't contain me
but you'll need an army
To get me back in my box
Or snap the branches off me

And suddenly
it lifts the roof off the place
It puts a vault in my step
And a grin on my face

It can't contain me
but you'll need an army
To get me back in my box
Or snap the branches off me
作者: wei02242001    時間: 2009-12-27 05:54 PM

11. The Lightning Strike

What If This Storm Ends?
And I don't see you
As you are now
Ever again

The perfekt halo
Of gold hair and lightning
Set's you off against
The planet's last dance

Just for a minute
The silver forked sky
Lit you up like a star
That I will follow

Now it's found us
Like I have found you
I don't want to run
Just overwhelm me

What if this storm ends?
And leaves us nothing
Except a memory
A distant echo

I want pinned down
I want unsettled
Rattle cage after cage
Until my blood boils

I want to see you
As you are now
Every single day
That I am living

Painted in flames
All peeling thunder
Be the lightning in me
That strikes relentless

What if this storm ends?
And I don't see you
As you are now
Ever again

The perfekt halo
Of gold hair and lightning
Set's you off against
The planet's last dance

Just for a minute
The silver forked sky
Lit you up like a star
That I will follow

Now it's found us
Like I have found you
I don't want to run
Just overwhelm me

From here the caravans are kids toys
And I can hold them all in my palm
I watch the sea creep round the corner
It connects the dots from here to you
The sunlight burning through the loose flags
Painted high on white church walls
I chase my blood from brain to thumped heart
Until I'm out of breath for trying

Worry not everything is sound
This is the safest place you've found
The only noise beating out is ours
Lacing our tea from honey jars

These accidents of faith and nature
They tend to stick in the spokes of you
But every now and then the trend bucks
And you're repaired by more than glue

Worry not everything is sound
This is the safest place you've found
The only noise beating out is ours
Lacing our tea from honey jars

Why don't you rest your fragile bones
A minute ago you looked alone
Stop waving your arms you're safe and dry
Breathe in and drink up the winter sky

Slowly the day breaks apart in our hands
And soft hallelujahs flow in from the church
The one on the corner you said frightened you
It was too dark and too large to find your soul in

Something was bound to go right sometime today
All these broken pieces fit together to make a perfect picture of us
It got cold and then dark so suddenly and rained
It rained so hard the two of us were the only thing
That we could see for miles and miles

And in the middle of the flood I felt my worth
When you held onto me like I was your little life raft
Please know that you were mine as well
Drops of water hit the ground like God's own tears
And spread out into shapes like
Salad bowls and basins and buckets for bailing out the flood

As motionless cars rust on driveways and curbs
You take off your raincoat and stretch out your arms
We both laugh out loud and surrender to it
The sheer force of sky and the cold magnet Earth

Something was bound to go right sometime today
All these broken pieces fit together to make a perfect picture of us
It got cold and then dark so suddenly and rained
It rained so hard the two of us were the only thing
That we could see for miles and miles

And in the middle of the flood I felt my worth
When you held onto me like I was your little life raft
Please know that you were mine as well
Drops of water hit the ground like God's own tears
And spread out into shapes like
Salad bowls and basins and buckets for bailing out the flood

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